Inclusion of citizen in job seekers records

Citizen shall file application for inclusion in the job seekers´ records in person at the Office of Labor Social Matters and Family (hereinafter the „Office“) in whose territorial competence he/ she has permanent address in.

The Office shall include the citizen in the job seekers´ records on the day of filing the written application for inclusion in the job seekers´ records.

If a citizen files application for inclusion in the job seekers´ records within 7 calendar days from the date of termination of his/her:

  • Labor contract,
  • Independent earning activities,
  • Continuous preparation to occupation,
  • Personal day-long care of child,
  • Personal care of a relative dependant on personal day-long care,
  • Temporary work incapability
  • Health disablement,
  • Custody or imprisonment,
  • Decision effectiveness and rejected premature old-age pension;

the Office shall include the citizen in the job seekers´ records on the day following termination of the above stated facts. 

Filing application for inclusion in the job seekers´ records, all citizens shall present their valid citizen ID. 

Application for inclusion in the job seekers´ records shall include the following documents:

a)      Photocopy of job certificate or document proving method of labor-legal or similar labor contract termination if the method is not specified on the job certificate or if job certificate is not being issued,

b)      Photocopy of a document proving termination/ suspended operation/ performance of independent earning activity,

c)      Declaration of word of honor that the citizen doesn´t perform earning activity on basis of legal relation pursuant to special regulation,  

d)     Photocopy of agreement or contract representing the basis of your earning activities,

e)      School accomplishment/ graduation certificate,

f)       Declaration of word of honor on terminated personal day-long care of a relative,

g)      Document proving termination of temporary work incapability,

h)      Certificate of release from custody/ imprisonment,  

i)        Valid decision on rejected premature old-age pension;

j)        Birth certificate in case of a person younger than 18 years of age that is legally incapable and represented by legal representative.

For purposes of job mediation, job seeker shall submit the following documents:

a)      Decision or notification on reduced work/ earning activity capability or judgment issued by Social Security Office pursuant to special regulation in case of already issued document,

b)      Decision or notification of the Social Insurance Company on health disablement or percentage rate of reduced work/ earning activity capability or judgment issued by Social Security Office pursuant to special regulation,

c)      Valid Court decision on declaration of labor contract or similar labor relation termination null and void,

d)     Photocopy of the document proving reached education grade,

e)      Photocopy of the documents on acquired skills and licenses.


Inclusion of a citizen in the jobseekers records after termination of emplyoment in EU member country

If a citizen decides on inclusion in the records kept at the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family (hereinafter the „Office“) after termination of his employment in any of EU member countries, he must file application for inclusion in the jobseekers records at the Office located in the territorial area of competence according to permanent address.  

Filing the application for inclusion in the jobseekers records, the citizen shall submit:  

  • Valid citizen ID,
  • Document proving his highest reached education degree (vocational certificate, leaving exam statement, graduation diploma + 1 photo-copy of the document).

The application shall be attached with filled in form E 301 or portable document U1 issued by competent social insurance institution/ institution empowered by respective office of the country where the unemployed person had been insured before, confirming job type, profession and duration of work performed in particular EU member country (form E 301 or portable document U1 shall be submitted also after terminated employment in the Czech Republic).

If the citizen files application for inclusion in the jobseekers records within 7 calendar days from termination of his employment in a EU member country and submits filled in form E 301 or portable document U1, he will be included in the records on the day following after the day of termination of his employment in a EU member country.

If the citizen files application for inclusion in the jobseekers recordsand fails to submit filled in form E 301 or portable document U1, he will be included in the records on the day of filing the application in person.

Form E 301 or portable document U1 can be submitted to the Office also later (the Office should be informed thereon during the application filing).  

Before leaving EU/EER countries" citizen can obtain further information on the website:, link: „What shouldn´t you forget before leaving any EÚ/EER country.“


Dátum vytvorenia stránky: 30.10.2012
Dátum aktualizácie: 09.08.2013

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