My income is low or none

Provision of material destitute benefit/ allowance and additional payments thereto is regulated by Act No. 599/2003 Coll. on Material Destitute Support as amended. Material destitute refers to condition when income of a citizen and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment falls short below the alimony minimum determined in the special regulation and the citizen and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment cannot provide for/ increase their income on their own. Provision for/ increase of income on one´s own is mainly considered a job, own property utilization and exercising legal claims. 

The Offices of Labour, Social Affairs and Family SR provide material destitute support to a citizen facing material destitute in the form of allowances and benefits – benefit for healthcare, activation benefit, household benefit, protection benefit.  

Citizen facing material destitute and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment are entitled to material destitute allowance for assurance of basic life needs.

Citizen facing material destitute and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment are entitled to healthcare benefit to expenses associated with provision of healthcare services.

Citizen facing material destitute and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment are entitled to activation benefit for obtaining, maintaining and improvement of knowledge, professional skills or work habits for purposes of seeking job, provided that they have met the benefit requirements.

Citizen facing material destitute and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment are entitled to household benefit, provided that they have met the benefit requirements.

Citizen facing material destitute and physical individuals included in the citizen´s assessment are entitled to protection benefit, if they cannot provide for or increase their income by own work because of unfavorable life situation, provided that they have met the benefit requirements.

Amount of the allowances and benefits will be determined as a difference between the sums of allowance and benefit entitlement determined by law and income of jointly assessed persons. Allowance and benefits are paid together. Along with income, assessment of material destitute takes in account also estate of the applicant for material destitute support and of jointly assessed persons.

Proceedings dealing with assessment of material destitute, provision for basic life needs and material destitute support shall commence with filed written application by the citizen at the Office of Labor, Social Matters and Family SR according to the citizen´s permanent address.   Entitlement to the allowance and benefits comes in force upon valid decision of the Office of Labour, Social Affairs and Family SR on conferred allowance/ benefits. Allowance and benefits are paid from the beginning of month when the related proceedings commenced.  


Dátum vytvorenia stránky: 29.01.2013
Dátum aktualizácie: 08.04.2013

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