Sheltered workshop a sheltered workstation - § 55

Sheltered workshop a sheltered workstation are workstations established by a legal entity or physical entity where persons with health handicap are employed who are not able to find a job in open labor market, or workstations where the persons are trained or prepared for a job. 

Work conditions inclusive of demands for work performance on these workstations are adapted to health conditions of persons with health handicap. Sheltered workshop and sheltered workstation are determined mainly for persons with health handicap, who are not able to find jobs in any other workstations. 

As sheltered workstation, even a workstation is considered, in which a legal entity or a physical entity established more than one job for a person health handicap, in which minimum 50 % of persons with health handicap work.

As sheltered workstation, even a workstation is considered, in which a legal entity or a physical entity established one job for a person with health handicap and the job is not created in a sheltered workshop.   

As sheltered workstation, even a workstation is considered on which a person health handicap operates a self-employment. A sheltered workstation may be established even in the household of a person with health handicap.

As sheltered workshop or sheltered workstation, even production association of invalids may be considered in the case of fulfillment of conditions pursuant to of the employment service act.

Admission of status as sheltered workshop sheltered or workstation may be requested in writing by a legal entity or a physical entity at the Office, in the territory of which a job will be established for a person with health handicap. Job description, workstation description and its location Description of job, workstation, workstation location, work conditions and deed of ownership or document proving the rental of spaces shall be a part of the request for admission of status as sheltered workshop or sheltered workstation. Legal entity or physical entity requesting to admit the status as sheltered workshop or sheltered workstation is obliged to submit to the Office even the decision of the government administration body of public health field. 

Status of a sheltered workshop or sheltered workstation is admitted without any time limitations.   

Admitted status as a sheltered workshop or a sheltered workstation will be cancelled by the Office, if a legal entity or a physical entity which established a sheltered workshop or a sheltered workstation does not follow conditions pursuant to employment service act or pursuant to its written request. Pursuant to a written request of the legal entity of physical entity, which established a sheltered workshop or a sheltered workstation, the Office changes, suspends or cancels the document about admitted status as a sheltered workshop or a sheltered workstation or issues a duplicate of it in the case of its loss, theft or destroying. 

Legal entity or physical entity, who is admitted to be a sheltered workshop or a sheltered workstation, is obliged to conduct separate records of costs, performances, profits and losses in the sheltered workshop or a sheltered workstation,

The Head Office and the Office conducts, publishes and updates every half-year on its Homepage the list of sheltered workshops and sheltered workstations consisting of data in the scope determined by the Employment Service Act.


Dátum vytvorenia stránky: 04.03.2010
Dátum aktualizácie: 28.11.2024



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