The Operational Programme Employment and Social Inclusion

The Operational Programme Employment and Social Inclusion  (OP EaSI) is a reference document based on which support will be given in the programming period 2007 - 2013 in the area of human resources development, increasing of employment, social inclusion and capacity building. The support will be provided from the funds of the European Social Fund and from the national budget of the Slovak Republic.

Main objectives of the OP EaSI include:

  • Increasing employment, adaptability and decreasing unemployment
  • Strengthening the integration of people at risk of social exclusion, or the socially excluded and supporting the reconciliation of family life and work.
  • Increasing the quality of human resources and their management in the area of public policy.

The Managing Authority for the Operational Programme Employment and Social Inclusion is The Ministry of Labour, Social Affairs and Family  of the SR


Dátum vytvorenia stránky: 21.12.2009
Dátum aktualizácie: 30.03.2010
